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I have owned Tondy since June 2009 and this site will show you the trials and tribulations of owning, maintaining and sailing a yacht on the east coast of Australia from her home port of Jervis Bay approx 120nm south of Sydney Harbour (Port Jackson).


The "Captains bLog"  chronicles any and all of the little things that pop up during Tondelayo's voyages, maintenance and rebuilding projects.

Historical information is found under "Archived Adventures" including stories from previous owners so that Tondy's story and acheivements will be recorded for prosperity. The Ownership Timeline shows everything that I know about Tondelayo's past and I am desperate to fill in the blanks here so please contact me if you know anything of her life as Vixen II.


Click "Reviews" or "Specifications" or its sub tab "Engine Workshop Manual" to see vessel specifications but if you need to know everthing and anything about DE38's then head over to the Downeaster Yachts web site at ( See Links )

It's an invaluable site that covers all things Downeaster and it also has a great forum full of interesting people who are passionate about Downeasters

Click on the Photos throughout the site and in the "Gallery" tab to get additional information 


​So check in often and say g'day or ask questions via the "Contact" tab if you'd like me to explain anything in greater detail and I hope you enjoy reading about Tondelayo as much as I enjoy writing her stories.

The name "Tondelayo" is thought to have originated in the Pacific Islands as a girls name which roughy translates into english as "Priceless"- like a jewel. It was also the name of Hedy Lamarr's character in the film White Cargo. Hedy so influenced a prevoius owners grandfather that he named his boat Tondelayo. Eventually that grandson (Andrew Cleveland) bought his own yacht and it just had to be called Tondelayo so he changed her name from Vixen II to Tondelayo.

S.Y."Tondelayo" is a beautiful Downeaster 38 Ketch (Hull Number 093) built by Downeast Yachts of Santa Ana in California, USA in 1976. She has sailed from Ventura California through the South Pacific. She now resides in Australia and she really is "priceless" to me.


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